Friday, September 3, 2010


My encounter with Jesus, deliverance from occult –Apostle  Buchi
 The General Overseer, World Harvest City International,an Obowu based outreach ministry in Owerri, Imo State, Apostle Keneth Onyebuch in this interview shares the story of his journey to the occult world and deliverance after a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. On the state of the nation, he likened the emergence of President Jonathan to Biblical David who had to confront and defeat Saul (powerful politicians) in 2011 Presidential election.
Early childhood
He was born as Kenneth Onyebuchi before the civil war from a very strong Christian home in Obowu in the Niger Delta. At the early age of 16, I joined  , a strong mystical movement in America because of rejection from my father and I was very inquisitive about knowledge and spiritual things. As a result of this, my life became full of strange phenomenon and happenings. I later diverted to  other 39 other spiritual movement, Ece. I studied under great masters of power of darkness and became a master in Quabala, zen and oriental spiritual science. From the knowledge of zen I attained to highest of all knowledge called cosmic consciousness. This happened before I was twenty years old, at this level I could appear and disappear, I was also manifesting in different places at the same time. I kept doing many things in the mystical world, I traveled extensively in quest for knowledge and I touched the power of the universe. It was in 1982 that I met and studied magic under Professor Peller and his Son (now Bishop Abiola Peller) that I understood that magic was all tricks.”
“In  1986, God decided to delivered me. Having been initiated into over 40 mystical movements world. In my spiritual journeys into the higher dimensions and planets, I began to see the name of Jesus Christ everywhere and began to think of knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. And that was how I left the fold of  Guru marahajji.”
Angelic visit
I was coming down from Durbar hotel in Lagos traveling to Festac town; Lagos on that and three men met me and asked me who was my master. But as I wanted to answer them, a very big light brighter than the sun shone around me and I became blind. But as I shouted, ‘Jesus Christ is my Lord’ and my eyes opened, but I didn’t see the three men again. That very night, the Lord told me that He has healed me from the sickness I had been suffering from for many years and all my knowledge could not save me. The following week I traveled to Aba and attended Living Word Bible Church where I surrendered my life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
 As a result of my past God took me through many process and suffered through many things, untold hardships. I latter attended Bible school and graduated at Assembles of the Lord Divine institute in Arizona, university of Divine science and philosophy in Waynesbro Virginia U.S.A and word of faith bible institute in Nigeria. After planting many churches all over the country in the space of twenty years, I presently oversee World Harvest City International, an outreach ministry that specializes in delivering people out of secret societies and cults to the knowledge of the Jesus Christ and admonishing believers to remain firm in the Lord Jesus as the greatest power in the whole universe.
Prophetic gift
God has given me grace to make many pronouncements that came pass both Nigeria national and international scenes. Watch out for the full text of Apostle Onyebuchi’s past and present prophecies.
•Do you have a testimony of the Lord’s doings in your life, ministry, business and family or a Christian message to share? And as our Nation Nigeria prepares for 2011 General Elections, do you have a God- given message or prophecy for the nation, and you want it published on this page? Call Evang Femi Olaoluwa.

Radiant Tract: Spiritual conspiracy
Olugbohun’s (Voice) Olayiwola, that woman does not know the Lord personally (pauses) so you should take away one problem from her life and replace it with six more serious ones.
Olayiwola Hmmm Yes, I see. But why not ten more problems so she can always come back to me.
OLUGBOHUN No makes it six. Remember that six is our number and we do attack six aspects of people lives, faith, marriage, home, business, family and heaven. As also it is written in Exodus 15:9. Moreso, the sign of the anti Christ is Mark 666
Culled from Radiant drama tract titled: Spiritual conspiracy. The impression plate of the tract and other different titles (about 20) are available for personal evangelism\ counseling. Call or Send SMS to Evang Femi Olaoluwa whatever form God is leading you partner with us for mass printing for free distribution for personal evangelism\ counselling
My conversion from Islam and
deliverance from insanity –ProphetBiola
The story of  his life  is that of   one designed by man to become a prolific Islamic scholar, but destined by God  to be His great servant. Prophet David Abiola, the Head Pastor of First Anointing Bible Church (International Miracle Centre) Fagba Junction, Isaga-Agege encountered God while in  the higher institution. He had one of the best results in his school, but at the pinnacle of his achievement, he lost his senses. He  became insane but  he was miraculously healed and called  into ministry. It is a story of madness to greatness:
He was  born over 40 years ago in a town called Meko within the Meko /Afo local government in Ogun State. He is a graduate of Political Science. How was he converted and what were the challenges he faced. Read his testimonies . Excerpts:

I surrendered to Christ in 1989 when I was studying at the Olabisi Onabanjo University. I gave my life to Jesus as a Muslim.
I believe that my nature really prompted my salvation experience. Naturally, I always have the urge to know things.  And so when there was this crusade on campus, I inquisitively attended  and in the course gave my life to Jesus.

 I faced a lot of persecution when I gave my life to Jesus Christ. I was born into a family of about thirty-seven children and my father’s thirteen wives. I was the first person to receive the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And before this time, my father wanted me to become a Muslim scholar. He sent me to the Koranic School to learn Koran. So it would be an understatement that he was annoyed about my conversion. He promptly summoned family meetings and denounced me before everybody. My mother who is an Alhaja also denounced me . My brothers and sisters castigated me.

Trial of faith and my deliverance
I thank God that He saw me through and that I had a wonderful Christian experience. It’s a wonderful experience that mere words cannot express.
 But then in 1991, I had a demonic attack. I believe it was a spiritual attack from my polygamous background. I believe the attack came from one of  my father’s wives. So as a young Christian in the university, and a year to my final year, I had this spiritual attack. I had this psychiatric problem and was taken to Aro Psychiatric Hospital and later  to many Churches . I was taken to native doctors, and celestial churches. I was taken to  many other places for healing  all to no avail. This continued for many years until I was taken to a Pentecostal Church. And as I was sleeping on that fateful day, I saw the Lord Jesus Christ in a vision and he laid hands on my head. I woke up and my brain was restored. I went back to the  university and finished my degree programme in 1993.

Call to the prophetic ministry
I did my national youths  service  in Kaduna State in 1993 and after my NYSC programme, I came back to Lagos. I wanted to pursue my Masters degree in Political Sociology at the University of Ibadan, but the Lord Jesus began to appear to me. He told  me, “My son, I want you to become my servant in appreciation for  your healing.”
Initially, I was reluctant because  I was apprehensive about  how to sustain myself.  But I had to surrender because of the Voice I later heard: “What if you refuse to serve Me and the mental problem comes back?” So I reasoned that instead of being  ungrateful  to God and allowing the mental problem to come back, let me surrender myself to Christian service. That was how I decided as a young graduate to go into fulltime ministry in 1993 . I have never worked with my certificates. So I went through a lot of hell to serve Him. Though it was not easy, but it was a decision I made up my mind to abide with
And the Lord Jesus told me, “I’m going to give you power of prophecy if only you continue serving me sincerely in your heart.”
I thank God that He has been faithful .I bless His name  for the fulfillment of the prophecy to many people and even national events. Watch out for publication of these.
Meeting community needs: Effective strategy for rural evangelism
The Great ‘GO’ commission is to every believer in every generation. Bus some people are called to take the goodnews to neglected rural communities. Many of these village missionaries have the requirement to meet the spiritual need of the people and the grace needed to teach God’s word, yet a lot of them labour on mission fields for years without having much converts. Truly, they pray fast, organize programmes, visit people in their huts and preach to them, yet, to the missionaries, the” villagers appear to be adamant to the gospel. These experiences have frustrated many missionaries but of their mission posts and have the villagers continue to in their ways ‘Gospel preaching is not easy in this Village’, ‘the villagers are not responding’. These are some of the complaints of missionaries as we visit mission fields in Nigeria. The story was not different in Oke Iseri village n Ekiti State until we visited the village and discover the major need of the community. There was no good  water We spoke with some of our partners copcerning this need and we sank a well in the name of the missionary in the village. Meeting the communities water need was the greatest miracle that happened to these vil1agers. Their disposition to the mission church changed, and they started going to the church. The poverty rate in villages is light. Free medical services, free gift of cloth, shoes, can go a long way in bringing them to the kingdom. ‘If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, depart in peace, be ye warned and filled notwithstanding ye give the not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? (James 2:15 - 16).
•Olusola Dare is the President of Global Emissaries Mission Outreaches, Ikere Ekiti, Ekiti State. For more information for how to reach out to Missionaries in rural and village areas, call Pastor Christy or Pastor Dare on , the National  Coordinator of  Light and Life Global Missions, Lagos.

•Do you have a stunning testimony of the Lord’s doings in your life, ministry, business and family and\or a Christian message to share? And as our Nation Nigeria prepares for 2011 General Elections, do you have God’s message or prophecy for the nation, and you want it published on this page? Call Evang Femi Olaoluwa .
My conversion after 33 years as native docto
Emmanuel Ezeokoli popularly called ‘Abiama was a renowned native doctor,’ for 25 years before he met the Lord Jesus Christ and burned the fetish objects in his shrines. The head pastor of Holy House of Faith Healing Ministry, Okija Street, along LASU- Igando expressway, Obadore, Lagos and who now uses the same shrine for a prayer room revealed to what led to his conversion
“I was a son of a popular native doctor in Anambra and in1973, a voice told me that I would be a great healer.  I did not understand what that. My understanding then was that it was only native doctors that could heal the sick.
 It was at that time that I narrated my encounter to my father that he really equipped me to start off as an herbalist. He later asked me to relocate to Ozobo in Ijaw area of River State. But the Voice continued cautioning me not to follow my father’s practice and that I should also move to where he had never been to.  But I did not understand the instruction and there was nobody to interpret the divine revelations to me because I was born to a pagan home. So, I was rather looking at my father as the only spiritual counselor. So after I lived in Ozobo for three years, I relocated to Lagos and still continued practicing as herbalist.
But for about past five years, the Voice continued to tell me to change my method, that I was not called to be a native doctor like my father. But because of ignorance and money I was making from the ‘abracadabra’ of consultancy, I turned deaf hears until the appointed time came.

Divine encounter
It happened in November 2006, a man came in my dream and took me to a place and showed me where the power in my shrine had been buried and that my practice would be henceforth be no effect so long as I continued with the old practice.
It was at this point that the message became very clear and self-interpreting to me. I therefore   burned the entire shrine where I used to make sacrifices in Lagos and Okija, Anambra my hometown.

Difference in my life
I believe I’m now a renewed person and God is my source of power. Immediately I surrendered to Christ, my wife and I started worshipping God where I had rented out for the sale of beer to pray and worship God every Thursday morning with wonderful testimonies. And to the glory of God, our members have grown to about 200 every Thursday and we starting Sunday services. Testimonies I have also converted my shrine in Lagos to the place I study the word of God and pray for people. Unlike before, I don’t   charge for any healing that God use me to perform through prayers. People in the neighborhood used to see me as a terror, but today people do relate freely with me. I have also denounced all honour accruing to me as a result of my former practice as a native doctor. The Almighty God in His infinite mercy has redirected me on the best way to heal people through the use of prayer and herbs (Genesis 1:26, Rev 22:2). I don’t make any consultation with any occultism power to effect healing. My word of advice to everyone is to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Saviour and trust in His healing power.
•Do you have a stunning testimony of the Lord doings in your life, ministry, business and family? And you want it publish on this page? Call Evang Femi Olaoluwa on 08056158736.

My conversion from Islam and deliverance from insanity –Prophet Abiola
The story of  his life  is that of   one designed by man to become a prolific Islamic scholar, but destined by God  to be His great servant. Prophet David Abiola, the Head Pastor of First Anointing Bible Church (International Miracle Centre) Fagba Junction, Isaga-Agege encountered God while in  the higher institution. He had one of the best results in his school, but at the pinnacle of his achievement, he lost his senses. He  became insane but  he was miraculously healed and called  into ministry. It is a story of madness to greatness:
He was  born over 40 years ago in a town called Meko within the Meko /Afo local government in Ogun State. He is a graduate of Political Science. How was he converted and what were the challenges he faced. Read his testimonies . Excerpts:

I surrendered to Christ in 1989 when I was studying at the Olabisi Onabanjo University. I gave my life to Jesus as a Muslim.
I believe that my nature really prompted my salvation experience. Naturally, I always have the urge to know things.  And so when there was this crusade on campus, I inquisitively attended  and in the course gave my life to Jesus.

 I faced a lot of persecution when I gave my life to Jesus Christ. I was born into a family of about thirty-seven children and my father’s thirteen wives. I was the first person to receive the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And before this time, my father wanted me to become a Muslim scholar. He sent me to the Koranic School to learn Koran. So it would be an understatement that he was annoyed about my conversion. He promptly summoned family meetings and denounced me before everybody. My mother who is an Alhaja also denounced me . My brothers and sisters castigated me.

Trial of faith and my deliverance
I thank God that He saw me through and that I had a wonderful Christian experience. It’s a wonderful experience that mere words cannot express.
 But then in 1991, I had a demonic attack. I believe it was a spiritual attack from my polygamous background. I believe the attack came from one of  my father’s wives. So as a young Christian in the university, and a year to my final year, I had this spiritual attack. I had this psychiatric problem and was taken to Aro Psychiatric Hospital and later  to many Churches . I was taken to native doctors, and celestial churches. I was taken to  many other places for healing  all to no avail. This continued for many years until I was taken to a Pentecostal Church. And as I was sleeping on that fateful day, I saw the Lord Jesus Christ in a vision and he laid hands on my head. I woke up and my brain was restored. I went back to the  university and finished my degree programme in 1993.

Call to the prophetic ministry
I did my national youths  service  in Kaduna State in 1993 and after my NYSC programme, I came back to Lagos. I wanted to pursue my Masters degree in Political Sociology at the University of Ibadan, but the Lord Jesus began to appear to me. He told  me, “My son, I want you to become my servant in appreciation for  your healing.”
Initially, I was reluctant because  I was apprehensive about  how to sustain myself.  But I had to surrender because of the Voice I later heard: “What if you refuse to serve Me and the mental problem comes back?” So I reasoned that instead of being  ungrateful  to God and allowing the mental problem to come back, let me surrender myself to Christian service. That was how I decided as a young graduate to go into fulltime ministry in 1993 . I have never worked with my certificates. So I went through a lot of hell to serve Him. Though it was not easy, but it was a decision I made up my mind to abide with
And the Lord Jesus told me, “I’m going to give you power of prophecy if only you continue serving me sincerely in your heart.”
I thank God that He has been faithful .I bless His name  for the fulfillment of the prophecy to many people and even national events. Watch out for publication of these.

•Do you have a stunning testimony of the Lord’s doings in your life, ministry, business and family and\or a Christian message to share? And as our Nation Nigeria prepares for 2011 General Elections, do you have God’s message or prophecy for the nation, and you want it published on this page? Call Evang Femi Olaoluwa .


The devil will appear in Christ’s image  –Witness  Obieke

Witness KenPaul Obieke was born into  the  Roman Catholic family of Ignatius Obieke from Ubahuekwem Ihiala, Ihiala Local Government, Anambra State. The power of God started manifesting very early in his  life.
 Recently, Obieke spoke to Divine Encounter on a shocking  revelation he had  about Nigeria and how to avoid anarchy in the land. He’s the General Overseer of New Zion International Ministries and  the presenter of a radio programme Church Revolution. According to him, he has had different encounters  with the Lord Jesus Christ over the Church and ministers whom he says have lost focus .
Said he “In different divine visitations, the Lord Jesus Christ has appeared to me on the urgent need to sanitize the Church. God is concerned that many Church ministers have compromised the undiluted word of God and so heaven is getting depopulated . The standard now is money and no more holiness without which no one can see the Lord. Obieke added that “Souls are no more saved from sin, as the church meant to be the salt of the world has become an insult to heaven. The Church  is no longer  the  light of the world as  Satanic agents  have infiltrated the body of ministers . Those called to be fishers of  souls that are perishing in the ocean of sin are too busy looking for fish to eat and   with other vain pursuits. They are busy  building their selfish empires”. He had  other things to say.

Divine mandate
Jesus Christ gave me three lashes of the cane in one of His visitations , because I didn’t deliver this watchman’s message with the urgency it requires. Time is running out and he sent me on a 40-day retreat. He appeared during a gathering of ministers and drove away many notable ministers into condemnation with so much anger and sadness. It was after this that I came out with a book titled  99% of the ministers and churches on the way to hell fire.  As  the Lord commanded , I have sent this book to frontline ministers in the nation for correction and awakening of the church. The book  is a must  for all believers who still want to make heaven.

State of the nation
 It is quite unfortunate that at 50 years of Nigerian independence, many of our so-called leaders  are looters of national treasury. The Lord once showed me a vision in which  I saw the map of Nigeria shedding tears of blood. Suddenly, the map snapped from the staff it was hanging on and was  submerged in a pool of blood. I believe the staff represents evil leadership which has been the problem of this nation. The Bible says that when the righteous are in power, people rejoice but when it is the wicked, they mourn. It is only righteousness that exalts a nation while sin is a reproach to any people.
It is quite disheartening today that evil is being promoted in our society . We claim to be fighting corruption, and yet those who loot the economy are moving around with escorts .Some of them are political office holders in government. The image of the average Nigerian overseas is poor due to evils in the land. So how do you rebrand Nigeria in such situation? That is why   I also waxed an album titled Wickedness in the land.
 That is why I fear that  in 2011 ,  Nigeria will be faced with the decision to change and until the right people are put in the right places, Nigeria will never get it right.
 I believe the answer to this  is true electoral reforms that will lead to credible election  which  will sweep  rogues out of power and give true leaders a chance.  But I know that there will be a revolution in Nigeria and  my prayer is that it will not be bloody. Those who are making Nigerians  suffer in the midst of plenty should be ready for God’s judgment. The anger of the Lord is coming soon.

 Jesus is my mentor
 Although, I’m not harbouring  enmity  against   anyone,  I don’t have  relationships with many Nigerian pastors. This is because  of politicking in the Church which is worse than that in the secular world.
 As a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ, His principles are what I aspire to follow. He is my mentor. My ministry is evangelistic and  revolutionary in nature. The Lord Jesus Christ wants me to proclaim His being alive. This is because people of our generation especially those in the Church don’t believe this and  the idea of the Church without blemish.
 In one of the Lord Jesus Christ’s appearances to me, He revealed that the devil would tempt and deceive the Church by appearing in His (Christ’s) form. This is  the devil’s strategy in the Church today which is  making many  run from pillar to post in search of miracles. There are so many religions, but  divine power seems to be  lacking.

Attention: Do you have a testimony of the Lord’s doing in your life, ministry, business and family or a Christian message to share? As our nation Nigeria prepares for the 2011 General Elections, do you have a God- given message or prophecy for the nation, and you want it published on this page? Call Evang Femi Olaoluwa.
My encounter with Jesus, deliverance from occult –Apostle  Buchi
he General Overseer, World Harvest City International,an Obowu based outreach ministry in Owerri, Imo State, Apostle Keneth Onyebuch in this interview shares the story of his journey to the occult world and deliverance after a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. On the state of the nation, he likened the emergence of President Jonathan to Biblical David who had to confront and defeat Saul (powerful politicians) in 2011 Presidential election.
Early childhood
He was born as Kenneth Onyebuchi before the civil war from a very strong Christian home in Obowu in the Niger Delta. At the early age of 16, I joined  , a strong mystical movement in America because of rejection from my father and I was very inquisitive about knowledge and spiritual things. As a result of this, my life became full of strange phenomenon and happenings. I later diverted to  other 39 other spiritual movement, Ece. I studied under great masters of power of darkness and became a master in Quabala, zen and oriental spiritual science. From the knowledge of zen I attained to highest of all knowledge called cosmic consciousness. This happened before I was twenty years old, at this level I could appear and disappear, I was also manifesting in different places at the same time. I kept doing many things in the mystical world, I traveled extensively in quest for knowledge and I touched the power of the universe. It was in 1982 that I met and studied magic under Professor Peller and his Son (now Bishop Abiola Peller) that I understood that magic was all tricks.”
“In  1986, God decided to delivered me. Having been initiated into over 40 mystical movements world. In my spiritual journeys into the higher dimensions and planets, I began to see the name of Jesus Christ everywhere and began to think of knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. And that was how I left the fold of  Guru marahajji.”
Angelic visit
I was coming down from Durbar hotel in Lagos traveling to Festac town; Lagos on that and three men met me and asked me who was my master. But as I wanted to answer them, a very big light brighter than the sun shone around me and I became blind. But as I shouted, ‘Jesus Christ is my Lord’ and my eyes opened, but I didn’t see the three men again. That very night, the Lord told me that He has healed me from the sickness I had been suffering from for many years and all my knowledge could not save me. The following week I traveled to Aba and attended Living Word Bible Church where I surrendered my life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
 As a result of my past God took me through many process and suffered through many things, untold hardships. I latter attended Bible school and graduated at Assembles of the Lord Divine institute in Arizona, university of Divine science and philosophy in Waynesbro Virginia U.S.A and word of faith bible institute in Nigeria. After planting many churches all over the country in the space of twenty years, I presently oversee World Harvest City International, an outreach ministry that specializes in delivering people out of secret societies and cults to the knowledge of the Jesus Christ and admonishing believers to remain firm in the Lord Jesus as the greatest power in the whole universe.
Prophetic gift
God has given me grace to make many pronouncements that came pass both Nigeria national and international scenes. Watch out for the full text of Apostle Onyebuchi’s past and present prophecies.
•Do you have a testimony of the Lord’s doings in your life, ministry, business and family or a Christian message to share? And as our Nation Nigeria prepares for 2011 General Elections, do you have a God- given message or prophecy for the nation, and you want it published on this page? Call Evang Femi Olaoluwa.

Radiant Tract: Spiritual conspiracy
Olugbohun’s (Voice) Olayiwola, that woman does not know the Lord personally (pauses) so you should take away one problem from her life and replace it with six more serious ones.
Olayiwola Hmmm Yes, I see. But why not ten more problems so she can always come back to me.
OLUGBOHUN No makes it six. Remember that six is our number and we do attack six aspects of people lives, faith, marriage, home, business, family and heaven. As also it is written in Exodus 15:9. Moreso, the sign of the anti Christ is Mark 666
Culled from Radiant drama tract titled: Spiritual conspiracy. The impression plate of the tract and other different titles (about 20) are available for personal evangelism\ counseling. Call or Send SMS to Evang Femi Olaoluwa whatever form God is leading you partner with us for mass printing for free distribution for personal evangelism\ counseling.
Wanted: Political prophets
The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken. Deuteronomy 18:15
Assuming men and women are able to walk in the plan and purpose of God, I believe that one of the ways out o the political jam in any nation is God  to raise true Prophets; Anointed Prophets  who from time to time would be able to precisely tell the people who is the man or woman be in the helms of affair. It would solve much confusion in States like Anambra where we have about 47 candidates in People Democratic Party jostled for only one position of gubernatorial candidate. It would solved the problem spending years and enormous resources to pursue a case in the courts of law if a respected man of God would have be able to tell who really win an election.
But man who we are difficult to manipulate to control even by God Even when have known it is God have spoken, human being who we are will still want to play stubborn.
At the eve of 2007 General election I published the story of a pastor, who at the beginning of the interview claimed to be having prophetic gift. The title was,’ I saw IBB with shinning crown.’ The downpours of reactions that greeted the write ups made me to know the power of the running my writing ministry through national media like the Sun. It made me to know the efficacy of the vision God gave to me about seven year ago that made me to seek for seeking a national platform to extend my evangelistic horizon through the media so that Radiant will not only read by Christians but to reach out to all and sundries.
Sorry for vying off from the said interview of the prophet concerning the former President Ibrahim Babaginda. The obvious followers of Babangida praised the Prophet to high heaven. According to him, he (the Prophet) was of God and  had seen well that the stepped aside Maradonna would stage a come back to Aso Rock. While many hate his gut did spare me in lambasting the Prophet as hungry men of God who instead of concentrating on the Bible handballing with Politician because of contract or ‘Ghana must go.’ 
When some of readers initially requested for the telephone number of the Prophet I obliged. But later I smelled foul when I later discovered that the prophet in question started honoring invitations and giving to many places in Nigeria. I discovered that some of the callers who wanted to get in touch with the pastor are mostly power seeking politicians and did not want to know if it was the divine will for them to seek for political office. This seemed to me like prayer contractor. So when I started demanding for reason why asking for prophet number, many asked me to connect them so that the Prophet would install as the local Government Chairmen or Senator or Governor of their States whatever it would cost them. Some even wanted me to ask the Prophet to ask God to disqualified certain candidates and install them.
The case of Saul and David in the Bible really confirmed this. To start with, what really bought the idea of kingship in Israel was because they rejected God's leadership? And even when God used Prophet Samuel the type of king- wicked they should expect, did the people not struck? They their guns to have a king at any cost.  And after Prophet Samuel had pronounced and anointed Saul as the king, many still despised him and refused to serve him simply because he came from the tribe of Benjamin- the smallest tribe in Israel. Even after David was anointed as the successor of King Saul in their presence of every member of the family, his brethren still saw him as someone who should not speak in public. The case of David and Saul confirmed that a man who has spent a term in office with mind for another term has no respect for prophesy. No matter anointed, a prophetic advice contrary heart desire of a man is to him and supporter is misnomer. For example, Saul knew that had been rejected by God and David been anointed to take over, yet instead of vacating the stool, he was plotting to kill David so as to install Jonathan, his son.
 Another factor many are ready to pay the price among our men of God if you are really anointed to tell the mind of God to concerning political scene of the nation ranging from the threats and desperation of power seekers. A time even came that David had to voice his fear to God. So there is nothing desperate Politician fro eliminated the opponent and the prophet. There is also the temptation to ask the prophet to tell lies so as to cover up. As Pastor Tunde Bakare what he went through in 1999 about President Obasanjo.
And how many are ready to give a proviso to the prophecy likes Prophet Micah. What we had today is like guess work. I remember that that many even ask than I should ask the Prophet that they just want to there at any cost. So how many are ready to pay the price even when the prophecy does not come to pass as expected (due to human error of interpretation). How many are not ready to abuse their calling because of piece of meat? I’m really tempted to conclude that these and some other unfortunate factors account for the reason why the spirit of prophecy seem top cease from the land today? Or what do you think?


Sunday Adebayo, a 58 years old native doctor

Christianity and traditional religions are like two parallel lines that can never meet. And the devotees of the two religions seem don’t agree on many things. But not so for Sunday Adebayo, a 58 years old native doctor in Ireji, Ogun State. The man, who is the link through which a Pentecostal church took its root in the village, also encourages his wives and children to become devoted members of the Church.
Speaking with the Sunday Sun, the man who claimed to be Ifa, Ogun and Obatala priest, revealed that he inherited the profession from his father.

Badagry getting again after 133 years 

Foursquare Gospel Church, the first Pentecostal Church in Badagry was established in 1975. 133 years after Christianity was introduced to the ancient town (1842- 1975).  Samson Oyebanji, former senior pastor of the Church (now the Zonal Superintendent of Agboju, Festac Town) spoke with the Sunday Sun on his about 2oyears experience of interaction and bringing the goodness to the people. He revealed cobwebs of spiritual forces at work resulting to spiritual, economic and social regressive of the ancient town.
 “ I was born in Yakoyo near Ipetumodu in Ife North Local Government of Osun State in 1949. After finishing my primary education in 1962 at Offa I was trained in fashion Designing and got certified in 1971 at Ile-Ife.”
As a great lover of education, by dint of hard work and perseverance, Samson Oyebanji made his GCE Ordinary level in 1978 and quickly topped it up with a certificate in management obtained from London. And after his encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, he focused on pastoral-related training. I systematically achieved an advanced Diploma from the Foursquare Bible College, LIFE at Ikorodu; A Diploma in religious Studies of the University of Ibadan; a Bachelor of Arts of the ECWA Theological Seminary, Igbaja and crowned it all with a Master of Art in Administration of Evangel Theological Seminary, Jos in the year 2000.
“I started my Christian journey at Anglican Church in Ile-Ife and got born again in 1972 through the activities of the Scripture Union. I have played so many roles in the vineyards of the Lord.
My 19 years experience as a pastor in Badagry
Our Church, Foursquare Gospel Church was the first Pentecostal Church in Badagry. It was established in 1975, 133 years after Christianity was introduced to the ancient town. I took over in 1986. I met a divided Church, but the Lord strengthened the remaining few spirit filled diligent and dedicated brethren.
God helped us to pioneer about 30 branches of Foursquare Gospel Churches in Badagry zone as at 2005.
 It was later other Pentecostal Churches like Gospel faith Mission, Church of God Mission, Deeper life; The Redeemed Church of God, Winners Chapel and other vibrant Churches started joining us for great exploits.  
But for many years, there was regressive development, especially spiritually in the ancient town and that was a great concern to many in the body of Christ. 
Many factors could have contributed to this, but I want to say that one main reason is idolatry. Many people in Badagry were given to idol worshiping. There is synthesis of religion in so many churches: people would have one leg in the Church and the other in the occult house of Babalawo or Ogbonis. You would not be surprised that some Church workers used to engage in egungun and sangbetto. And for many years, no one dare to preach against it.  And the Bible says a servant cannot serve two-master. And the leaders of some churches are not helping matters to curb this evil.
Though we thank God for the efforts of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (P F N) in bringing unity, which was lacked for many years among believers. The orthodox Church was through very low spiritually in compared with the Pentecostal; this is because there was influx of mixing idolatry with Christianity until of recent when there are some spiritual awakening in both Pentecostal and orthodox Churches. So the leadership of both Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) are more united and committed in prayers so as to bring deliverance to the ancient town. And the fact remains that Christians in Badagry cannot afford to relax; as it’s generally joked that all the demons that had being cast from people in Lagos metropolis probably seek abode there.
 But, we thank God that the Church has been resting on her oars. Over years, there have been prayers and deliverances on the land.
We thank God the land is fast getting born again and we are experiencing revival in the land by the day. I want to encourage as many ministers of God with the call and anointing to remember villages in Badagry and other rural areas. We should not all stayed comfortably in cities.  The ocean is wide, Badagry has about 500 villages and they all needs the Gospel. Men and women of God with the fire in their bones should go down to Macedonia.
World evangelization needs the involvement of all Christians. Every believer must be involved in at least one of the 3 letter Gs of evangelism. Let Christians volunteer to ‘Go to mission work ‘and those who cannot go should ‘Give ‘and let some ‘Groan’ in prayers.
My vision and prayer have always been to see Badagry and it environs evangelized for Christ. It is my burden to see the land also develop economically. The rate of poverty there is much and is affecting even spiritual lives of the people. The current data survey showed that cost of living is more expensive than even in cities
Economic development
Though some people would like to attribute slow development in Badagry to occurrence in other towns that are far from Lagos. But the case is quite different and should not be likened to anywhere. If one studies the history well, You would know it has opportunity to develop like about Abeokuta and Lagos, Badagry is very close to rivers and is a boarder town, a neighbor to Republic of Benin and other West African countries. It has every opportunity to grow like Cotonou and PortNorvo in Republic of Benin that are very close.
Badagry supposed to have the first Marina and the first port in Nigeria. Even the first port was sited in Badagry, but was later transferred out. Lagos State University (LASU) now in Ojo was initially sited in Badagry, but was later moved out for just no cause.
Moreover, it was just of recent that most of the industries sited at Agbara Estate and Ijanikin were moved to Badagry for many years, all these by – passed Badagry for what reason, if not for the operations of the spiritual forces?
Some people are also of the belief there are some curses were pronounced upon the land by the early missionaries because of ill treatment and deaths of many of the harbingers of faith- missionaries. And we cannot rule out the possibility especially due to menace of slave trade of those days. No one can rule out the possibility of shedding of innocent blood out of ignorant like in many lands in Africa. That was why many of us, Minister of the Gospel had several joint prayers between 1990 and 2004 (which I believe still continue till today) to break the curse in the land.
In terms of slow economics development in the town, I think the government shares the blame. For many years, land Badagry as entirely acquired by the government and nobody is ready to develop land owned by the government.
Illiteracy and unwillingness of the educated elites to develop their town due to selfishness and greediness though one some people think that lack of progress in Badagry is nothing than its distance to Lagos metropolis just like other villages and town in Nigerian.
 Though I believe God has started new things in Badagry. ASCON that was formerly proposed to be transferred is still there. Abandoned Teachers’ is now alive with the establishment of the Nigerian French village. So if I begin to compare 1985 when I got to Badagry and 2005 (not to talk of now), it is like looking at the primitive days to modem days. We thank God for the corresponding blessing from how it used to be. I believe it is really answer to prayers.
My motivation
My motivating factor in life is God desire to do His will. The Bible says when there is no vision, people will perish. The conviction that I’m in what God wants me to be and doing what He wants me to do is also source of joy and peace. For anyone to succeed in ministry especially in a settlement like Badagry; one needs the spirit of master- servant relationship.  So that we able to make some achievement is by the grace of God through the cooperation and obedience of the brethren.
So I was not really in the torment of seeking for transfer to the city until the time came and God worked it out for me to be transferred me here in 2005. One thing about me is that I don’t compare myself with fellow ministers in cities or else where. The Bible says those who compare themselves with others are not wise. I believe God is rewarding me with the love and cooperation of my present Church members too.
Family life
 I got married in September 1983 to a model of wife and mother. We waited for eight trying years of delay before our union was blessed with one boy and two girls. They were named, among other names: Mauvivi, Mausi and Sewanu to reflect the fact of their being born in Egun land of Badagry.
Most memory even and best decision in life
The best decision I cannot forget in my life is when God gave me the grace to restitute the certificate I wrongly acquired before I gave my life to Jesus. It happened I secured an appointment with a forged- primary leaving certificate. And when I got born again, I confessed it to the management of the company and my appointment was prompt1y terminated. It was not easy but I did not really regret my action because I strongly believe that restitution is a fruit of salvation.
My sweetest event was when my wife got pregnant and delivered after eight years of waiting.
Spiritual mentors
I respect many men of God, but people Rev Ademulegun, one of founding Father of Foursquare, Pastor William Kumuyi, John Smith, and Watch Man Nee. John Wesley. I belong to school of old time religion. But this is not in term of ‘don’t eat this or wear that’ but holiness and righteous in the Lord.
What I admire in people
I believe in the proverb in the sayings that birds of the same feather flock together. I watch the lifestyles of people before I will begin to relate with that person. I always love people, who are passionate, believe in themselves and callings. I don’t tolerate indolent and hypocrisy, especially among Ministers of God. As a pastor, I believe you should live whatever you preach from the Bible.

My encounter with Jesus, deliverance from occultApostle Buchi

Apst. Onyebuch

 The General Overseer, World Harvest City International,an Obowu based outreach ministry in Owerri, Imo State, Apostle Keneth Onyebuch in this interview shares the story of his journey to the occult world and deliverance after a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. On the state of the nation, he likened the emergence of President Jonathan to Biblical David who had to confront and defeat Saul (powerful politicians) in 2011 Presidential election.
Early childhood
He was born as Kenneth Onyebuchi before the civil war from a very strong Christian home in Obowu in the Niger Delta. At the early age of 16, I joined  , a strong mystical movement in America because of rejection from my father and I was very inquisitive about knowledge and spiritual things. As a result of this, my life became full of strange phenomenon and happenings. I later diverted to  other 39 other spiritual movement, Ece. I studied under great masters of power of darkness and became a master in Quabala, zen and oriental spiritual science. From the knowledge of zen I attained to highest of all knowledge called cosmic consciousness. This happened before I was twenty years old, at this level I could appear and disappear, I was also manifesting in different places at the same time. I kept doing many things in the mystical world, I traveled extensively in quest for knowledge and I touched the power of the universe. It was in 1982 that I met and studied magic under Professor Peller and his Son (now Bishop Abiola Peller) that I understood that magic was all tricks.”
“In  1986, God decided to delivered me. Having been initiated into over 40 mystical movements world. In my spiritual journeys into the higher dimensions and planets, I began to see the name of Jesus Christ everywhere and began to think of knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. And that was how I left the fold of  Guru marahajji.”
Angelic visit
I was coming down from Durbar hotel in Lagos traveling to Festac town; Lagos on that and three men met me and asked me who was my master. But as I wanted to answer them, a very big light brighter than the sun shone around me and I became blind. But as I shouted, ‘Jesus Christ is my Lord’ and my eyes opened, but I didn’t see the three men again. That very night, the Lord told me that He has healed me from the sickness I had been suffering from for many years and all my knowledge could not save me. The following week I traveled to Aba and attended Living Word Bible Church where I surrendered my life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
 As a result of my past God took me through many process and suffered through many things, untold hardships. I latter attended Bible school and graduated at Assembles of the Lord Divine institute in Arizona, university of Divine science and philosophy in Waynesbro Virginia U.S.A and word of faith bible institute in Nigeria. After planting many churches all over the country in the space of twenty years, I presently oversee World Harvest City International, an outreach ministry that specializes in delivering people out of secret societies and cults to the knowledge of the Jesus Christ and admonishing believers to remain firm in the Lord Jesus as the greatest power in the whole universe.
Prophetic gift
God has given me grace to make many pronouncements that came pass both Nigeria national and international scenes. Watch out for the full text of Apostle Onyebuchi’s past and present prophecies.
•Do you have a testimony of the Lord’s doings in your life, ministry, business and family or a Christian message to share? And as our Nation Nigeria prepares for 2011 General Elections, do you have a God- given message or prophecy for the nation, and you want it published on this page? Call Evang Femi Olaoluwa.

Radiant Tract: Spiritual conspiracy
Olugbohun’s (Voice) Olayiwola, that woman does not know the Lord personally (pauses) so you should take away one problem from her life and replace it with six more serious ones.
Olayiwola Hmmm Yes, I see. But why not ten more problems so she can always come back to me.
OLUGBOHUN No makes it six. Remember that six is our number and we do attack six aspects of people lives, faith, marriage, home, business, family and heaven. As also it is written in Exodus 15:9. Moreso, the sign of the anti Christ is Mark 666
Culled from Radiant drama tract titled: Spiritual conspiracy. The impression plate of the tract and other different titles (about 20) are available for personal evangelism\ counseling. Call or Send SMS to Evang Femi Olaoluwa whatever form God is leading you partner with us for mass printing for free distribution for personal evangelism\ counseling.

Incredible: Septuagenarian survives snake-bite without medication

Rev. Awopetu
A seventy- year-old man who claims  he has never used either orthodox nor herbal medicine said he  doesn’t regret  relying on  divine care.  Rev Titus Awopetu,  founder of Christ Appointed Church, said that medical check-ups, blood tests and other forms of hea1th care are enemies of faith. He shares his experience with Divine Encounter below.
I was born into the Awopetu family of Ido Ajinare  in 1935.
My parents were devout Christians and we became staunch members of The Apostolic Faith in the 1920s. Memories of late Ayo Babalola, the founder of Apostolic Church is still fresh in my mind. He was my mentor. His teachings on holiness, prayers and absolute reliance on divine healing  had a lot of influence on me . These beliefs are so strong in me that I have not for once deviated from them even in the face of difficulty.
I had a particu1ar experience that proved the efficacy of my beliefs. It happened  at Aare in  Shaki . A  python attacked me and  bit  my leg. People told me to apply herbal remedies  or get medica1 attention. I refused  and held tenaciously to  my faith in God and my vow that I won’t use any  herbal or orthodox medicine.
My legs began to swell  and the pain was excruciating. Many people thought I would die, especia11y when on the seventh day, I cou1d not move an inch and sca1es began to appear on my body like a reptile.
But when I stood my ground, the ever-faithful Lord Jesus Christ appeared to me in the night. With great concern on his face, he began massaging my legs with water from a bowl. Lo and behold, the second day, my swollen legs became normal  and I felt no more pain till date.
 From Islam to Christianity
Although I was a Muslim, an Alhaji for that matter, I believe  the same God that used water to cure  Naman is still alive. I cannot really count the mighty miracles God has used me to perform using water.
Dead persons have risen for instance. The genesis of using water to heal is  the bible.    Prophet Elisha asked Naman, the leper, to swim in river Jordan seven times and be healed. There was also the pool of  Barsheba where the  first sick person  to enter the water when the angel of God stirs was healed.
No regrets
To the glory of God, I don’t have any regrets about  absolutely re1ying on divine healing .
My children were born  in the Church  and my wife never registered for antenatal services. That is what I teach in our churches (our branches). The I Am That I Am  who empowered   Hebrew women in the Bible to  deliver without the assistance of Egyptian midwives is still at work. So our women don’t register for any anti- natal services at  any hospital.  To the glory of God, we have never witnessed any tragedy. I will never  encourage  my children to read medicine or any faith-frustrating courses in the University. I  advise any of our children that want to sell medicine or operate drug stores and hospitals to find another job.

My conversion after 33 years as native doctor-preacher

Emmanuel Ezeokoli popularly called ‘Abiama was a renowned native doctor,’ for 25 years before he met the Lord Jesus Christ and burned the fetish objects in his shrines. The head pastor of Holy House of Faith Healing Ministry, Okija Street, along LASU- Igando expressway, Obadore, Lagos and who now uses the same shrine for a prayer room revealed to what led to his conversion
“I was a son of a popular native doctor in Anambra and in1973, a voice told me that I would be a great healer.  I did not understand what that. My understanding then was that it was only native doctors that could heal the sick.
 It was at that time that I narrated my encounter to my father that he really equipped me to start off as an herbalist. He later asked me to relocate to Ozobo in Ijaw area of River State. But the Voice continued cautioning me not to follow my father’s practice and that I should also move to where he had never been to.  But I did not understand the instruction and there was nobody to interpret the divine revelations to me because I was born to a pagan home. So, I was rather looking at my father as the only spiritual counselor. So after I lived in Ozobo for three years, I relocated to Lagos and still continued practicing as herbalist.
But for about past five years, the Voice continued to tell me to change my method, that I was not called to be a native doctor like my father. But because of ignorance and money I was making from the ‘abracadabra’ of consultancy, I turned deaf hears until the appointed time came.

Divine encounter
It happened in November 2006, a man came in my dream and took me to a place and showed me where the power in my shrine had been buried and that my practice would be henceforth be no effect so long as I continued with the old practice.
It was at this point that the message became very clear and self-interpreting to me. I therefore   burned the entire shrine where I used to make sacrifices in Lagos and Okija, Anambra my hometown.

Difference in my life
I believe I’m now a renewed person and God is my source of power. Immediately I surrendered to Christ, my wife and I started worshipping God where I had rented out for the sale of beer to pray and worship God every Thursday morning with wonderful testimonies. And to the glory of God, our members have grown to about 200 every Thursday and we starting Sunday services. Testimonies I have also converted my shrine in Lagos to the place I study the word of God and pray for people. Unlike before, I don’t   charge for any healing that God use me to perform through prayers. People in the neighborhood used to see me as a terror, but today people do relate freely with me. I have also denounced all honour accruing to me as a result of my former practice as a native doctor. The Almighty God in His infinite mercy has redirected me on the best way to heal people through the use of prayer and herbs (Genesis 1:26, Rev 22:2). I don’t make any consultation with any occultism power to effect healing. My word of advice to everyone is to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Saviour and trust in His healing power.
•Do you have a stunning testimony of the Lord doings in your life, ministry, business and family? And you want it publish on this page? Call Evang Femi Olaoluwa on 08056158736.

The devil will appear in Christ’s imageWitness Obieke

Witness KenPaul Obieke was born into  the  Roman Catholic family of Ignatius Obieke from Ubahuekwem Ihiala, Ihiala Local Government, Anambra State. The power of God started manifesting very early in his  life.
 Recently, Obieke spoke to Divine Encounter on a shocking  revelation he had  about Nigeria and how to avoid anarchy in the land. He’s the General Overseer of New Zion International Ministries and  the presenter of a radio programme Church Revolution. According to him, he has had different encounters  with the Lord Jesus Christ over the Church and ministers whom he says have lost focus .
Said he “In different divine visitations, the Lord Jesus Christ has appeared to me on the urgent need to sanitize the Church. God is concerned that many Church ministers have compromised the undiluted word of God and so heaven is getting depopulated . The standard now is money and no more holiness without which no one can see the Lord. Obieke added that “Souls are no more saved from sin, as the church meant to be the salt of the world has become an insult to heaven. The Church  is no longer  the  light of the world as  Satanic agents  have infiltrated the body of ministers . Those called to be fishers of  souls that are perishing in the ocean of sin are too busy looking for fish to eat and   with other vain pursuits. They are busy  building their selfish empires”. He had  other things to say.

Divine mandate
Jesus Christ gave me three lashes of the cane in one of His visitations , because I didn’t deliver this watchman’s message with the urgency it requires. Time is running out and he sent me on a 40-day retreat. He appeared during a gathering of ministers and drove away many notable ministers into condemnation with so much anger and sadness. It was after this that I came out with a book titled  99% of the ministers and churches on the way to hell fire.  As  the Lord commanded , I have sent this book to frontline ministers in the nation for correction and awakening of the church. The book  is a must  for all believers who still want to make heaven.

State of the nation
 It is quite unfortunate that at 50 years of Nigerian independence, many of our so-called leaders  are looters of national treasury. The Lord once showed me a vision in which  I saw the map of Nigeria shedding tears of blood. Suddenly, the map snapped from the staff it was hanging on and was  submerged in a pool of blood. I believe the staff represents evil leadership which has been the problem of this nation. The Bible says that when the righteous are in power, people rejoice but when it is the wicked, they mourn. It is only righteousness that exalts a nation while sin is a reproach to any people.
It is quite disheartening today that evil is being promoted in our society . We claim to be fighting corruption, and yet those who loot the economy are moving around with escorts .Some of them are political office holders in government. The image of the average Nigerian overseas is poor due to evils in the land. So how do you rebrand Nigeria in such situation? That is why   I also waxed an album titled Wickedness in the land.
 That is why I fear that  in 2011 ,  Nigeria will be faced with the decision to change and until the right people are put in the right places, Nigeria will never get it right.
 I believe the answer to this  is true electoral reforms that will lead to credible election  which  will sweep  rogues out of power and give true leaders a chance.  But I know that there will be a revolution in Nigeria and  my prayer is that it will not be bloody. Those who are making Nigerians  suffer in the midst of plenty should be ready for God’s judgment. The anger of the Lord is coming soon.

 Jesus is my mentor
 Although, I’m not harbouring  enmity  against   anyone,  I don’t have  relationships with many Nigerian pastors. This is because  of politicking in the Church which is worse than that in the secular world.
 As a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ, His principles are what I aspire to follow. He is my mentor. My ministry is evangelistic and  revolutionary in nature. The Lord Jesus Christ wants me to proclaim His being alive. This is because people of our generation especially those in the Church don’t believe this and  the idea of the Church without blemish.
 In one of the Lord Jesus Christ’s appearances to me, He revealed that the devil would tempt and deceive the Church by appearing in His (Christ’s) form. This is  the devil’s strategy in the Church today which is  making many  run from pillar to post in search of miracles. There are so many religions, but  divine power seems to be  lacking.

Attention: Do you have a testimony of the Lord’s doing in your life, ministry, business and family or a Christian message to share? As our nation Nigeria prepares for the 2011 General Elections, do you have a God- given message or prophecy for the nation, and you want it published on this page? Call Evang Femi Olaoluwa.

Prophet Samuel’s valedictory speech, a challenge to leaders

As Prophet Samuel was about to handover the leadership of Israel he made a powerful speech and took some actions that are quite challenging  to  leaders.

Pastor Adeboye
I Samuel 12 Verse 1 “And Samuel said unto all Israel, behold, I have hearkened unto your voice in all that ye said unto me, and have made a king over you.”

Which of our leaders can boldly say that he has allowed the will of God to prevail when the onus falls on him to choose another leader to succeed him? With what is happening in the political realm and in churches, many would not use the privilege to their advantage and back up their choice even when it was contrary to God’s and people’s choice.

2. “And now, behold, the king walketh before you: and I am old and gray headed; and, behold, my sons are with you: and I have walked before you from my childhood unto this day.

Like Prophet Samuel, how many of our leaders can check their conscience and claim that they have walked before God and know when to throw-in the towel? What we see in the Church and political realm is wickedness and lust for power when they know that it is obvious that they have their terms as stated in the constitution.

3. Behold, here I am: witness against me before the LORD, and before his anointed: whose ox have I taken? Or whose ass have I taken? Or who have I defrauded? Who have I oppressed? Or of whose hand have I received any bribe to blind mine eyes therewith? And I will restore it you.

This is a great challenge to our past and present leaders in  different organizations and government. Unlike Samuel who was able to look at the people straight in the face and say I have walked righteously how many of them can do so with the level of corruption and personal enrichment even in our religious organizations and government at the  expense of the poor. Many of our public officers cannot boldly give account of their stewardship and be ready to restitute like Samuel. What you see today is that when it is obvious that many have soiled their hands, they still have the guts to rush to the court to stop their prosecution.

4. “And they said, Thou hast not defrauded us, nor oppressed us, neither hast thou taken ought of any man's hand.

And while many still want to appear innocent like Samuel , can we really testify to their innocence?

5. “And he said unto them, The LORD is witness against you, and his anointed is witness this day, that ye have not found ought in my hand. And they answered, He is witness.

Samuel was even confident that he served the people with all fairness, he even used God and His anointing as witnesses.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

6. “And Samuel said unto the people, it is the LORD that advanced Moses and Aaron, and that brought your fathers up out of the land of Egypt.

7. “Now therefore stand still, that I may reason with you before the LORD of all the righteous acts of the LORD, which He  did to you and to your fathers.

 8. “When Jacob was come into Egypt, and your fathers cried unto the LORD, then the LORD sent Moses and Aaron, which brought forth your fathers out of Egypt, and made them dwell in this, and Samuel, and delivered you out of the hand of your enemies on every side, and ye dwelled safe.

 …. Ye said unto me, Nay; but a king shall reign over us: when the LORD your God was your king.

13. “Now therefore behold the king whom ye have chosen, and whom ye have desired! and, behold, the LORD hath set a king over you.

Samuel was a leader who had the fear of the nation, Israel he led at heart. He was able to trace the history of the nation and analyze their problems and profess the way out  unlike many  Nigerians leaders who are unconcerned with the plight of the nation.

14. “If ye will fear the LORD, and serve Him, and obey His voice, and not rebel against the commandment of the LORD, then shall both ye and also the king that reigneth over you continue following the LORD your God?

15. “But if ye will not obey the voice of the LORD, but rebel against the commandment of the LORD, then shall the hand of the LORD be against you, as it was against your fathers.

Samuel was able to admonish the people on the need to fear God and obey His voice simply because he too demonstrated it even during his  leadership in  Israel.

16. “Now therefore stand and see this great thing, which the LORD will do before your eyes.

17. “Is it not wheat harvest to day? I will call unto the LORD, and he shall send thunder and rain; that ye may perceive and see that your wickedness is great, which ye have done in the sight of the LORD, in asking you a king.

18. “So Samuel called unto the LORD; and the LORD sent thunder and rains that day: and all the people greatly feared the LORD and Samuel.

This is a great challenge especially to our religious leaders. How many will be able to be steadfast and honest before God so  that heaven would confirm their words with instant signs and wonders? How many?

19. “And all the people said unto Samuel, Pray for thy servants unto the LORD thy God that we die not: for we have added unto all our sins this evil, to ask us a king.

The people of Israel trembled, confessed and were ready to repent of their sins simply because people saw and witnessed the power of God in the leadership of Samuel. He was not a bad influence on the people to cover-up and continue in iniquity. And he was able to assure them of the mercy of God to give hope to the hopeless

 20. “And Samuel said unto the people, Fear not: ye have done all this wickedness: yet turn not aside from following the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart;

 21. “And turn ye not aside: for then should ye go after vain things, which cannot profit nor deliver; for they are vain.

 22. “For the LORD will not forsake His people for His great name's sake: because it hath pleased the LORD to make you His people.

 23. “Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way.

 24. “Only fear the LORD, and serve Him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things He hath done for you.

 25. “But if ye shall still do wickedly, ye shall be consumed, both ye and your king.”

Samuel was also a bold leader who knew that righteousness exalts a nation while sin is a reproach. We need such leaders in our nation and different organizations today.

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